Thursday, November 1, 2007

I love to Pray for the Souls in Purgatory

During Holy Mass especially, I often remember and pray for the dearly departed souls in Purgatory. I pray to Jesus to bless them and comfort them in their terrible sufferings. They need to stay in this place to cleanse themselves from the stains left by the sins committed during their life on earth, for as long as God deems fit. How long they need to stay nobody knows. No one can enter Heaven until one is as pure as Purity itself.

But eventually they will be admitted to God's eternal Light. As long as they are in Purgatory, these saintly beings cannot pray for their own salvation, but depend entirely on our Prayers. Our prayers for them descend on them like balm on their wounds and like manna from Heaven. In return they pray God for us and we should ask them to do so regularly. Our Lady, the Holy Mother Mary loves the Souls in Purgatory dearly and loves those who pray for them.

Reciting the Rosary, hearing the daily Mass and receiving Holy Communion are the 3 main sources for us of obtaining mercy from God on their behalf. I like to pray especially for the souls of my relations - my mother and father, great aunts who were like my parents to me, for the numerous souls from older generations who have inhabited the premises where I now live, who have worked in the garden which I now enjoy, who have walked the street which I walk everyday. I also pray for the souls of the members of the clergy, the priests whom I remember from my childhood.........who knows the amount of good they did before they passed away, the peace and consolation they bestowed upon the faithful in their parish. I pray for all those I once knew and even for those whom I never knew and perhaps have nobody to pray for them.

It is beautiful to pray for the dearly departed and ask God's blessings, forgiveness and mercy for them. It is comforting to think that your prayers will help to alleviate their sufferings even a tiny fraction and on the other hand it is encouraging for us to know that they have great power to intercede for us before God and pray for OUR salvation. God Please Rest Their Souls in Peace.